Pardon my French, but what the fuck??
Of course, I couldn’t find anything to explain this one. There’s another stone to the left, but it is so worn out that you can’t really read anything on it except for “L.S. Jackson”. That of course didn’t yield any results, either.

Maybe they were friends with Little Rosa and Her Mother?

Pretty cool. I’ve read about skull & crossbones symbols, but this is the first time I’ve actually seen one. Shame you can’t read the name on it–all I can make out is the year 1856 at the bottom.
From what I’ve read, this is a fairly rare find. I’ll have to go back and figure out where this one is located exactly; as usual, I was just wandering around without any sense of direction (which is also how I drive and grocery shop). It’s somewhat close to the 20th Street entrance to Green-Wood.

Apparently this symbolism doesn’t really mean anything all that significant. Some people mistakenly think it marks the grave of a pirate or buccaneer. There are also theories that it is a Masonic symbol. From what I can gather, it is simply intended as a reminder of our mortality.
I was walking down the hill from the Pierrepont plot, and found this.
It’s a plot for a family named Simonson, and there are two children’s graves behind it–one for “Baby John” and one for “Emily Louise”. Someone (or a ghost, or possibly the Blair Witch) has placed a button or an old-fashioned mirror in the crook of Emily Louise’s neck that reads, “I Will Be Good”. It looks like it’s been there a while, and it kind of looks antique-y. I didn’t dare touch it, so I don’t know exactly what it is, but I do know it’s creepy.
I Googled the name George H. Simonson, but couldn’t find anything…
I wander around Green-Wood Cemetery. I take pictures. I Google stuff.